Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Saturday, 21 August 2010
You set me thinking, Gary
Gary Benfold, on his blog, has bewailed the number of preachers going from
Nevertheless, I think there are a number of problems. I know a church 30 to 40 miles from here, now happily settled with a South African pastor, that, during the inter-regnum, had several men preach from the south who ceased to show any interest as soon as they saw the town and the environs of the church building. I think there still is a need in the north. When we moved from Stoke-on-Trent to Dunstable I said at my induction: ‘From time to time it has been my privilege to minister in more northerly regions than
Monday, 16 August 2010
Education, education, education
Beginning to read Gresham Machen's 'Christianity and Liberalism' I was startled to read this paragraph, so I post it here:
A public-school system, if it means the providing of free education for those who desire it, is a noteworthy and beneficent achievement of modern times; but when once it becomes monopolistic it is the most perfect instrument of tyranny which has yet been devised. Freedom of thought in the middle ages was combated by the Inquisition, but the modern method is far more effective. Place the lives of children in their formative years, despite the convictions of their parents, under the intimate control of experts appointed by the state, force them then to attend schools where the higher aspirations of humanity are crushed out, and where the mind is filled with the materialism of the day, and it is difficult to see how even the remnants of liberty can subsist. Such a tyranny, supported as it is by a perverse technique used as the instrument in destroying human souls, is certainly far more dangerous than the crude tyrannies of the past, which despite their weapons of fire and sword permitted at least thought to be free.