'...this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go.'

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A few recent books

Just a few comments on three recent books that I have been reading. The first is 'Christians in a Politically Correct World' by John Benton (EP). This is an important and very necessary book at this time. I would have liked a little more said in some chapters, but perhaps it is better not to try to be too exhaustive. It  makes a good companion to Don Carson's 'The Intolerance of Tolerance' (IVP). The second book is 'Evolution: Good Science?' by Dominic Smart (Day One). Dominic came to our church a couple of months ago on behalf of Creation Ministries. I had not heard of him previously and when I saw this book I decided to buy it. I guess it covers subjects that are found in other books, but I have enjoyed reading it. I was interested to notice that he is an engineer and has worked in the aeronautical and automotive industries. So he is not just a theoretician, but active in applied science. I am not saying that theoretical science is unimportant or second-rate, but I am more interested in someone who has actually to make things work as well as doing theoretical investigation. Finally, the book pictured above. It is a long time since I read the two volumes of Murray's biography of Dr Lloyd-Jones and so I can't remember enough to know how much new material or alterations are found in this book, though some things have struck me as new. It is still a fairly hefty read, but I am enjoying it very much. I hope this volume will have many new readers and that it will attract those who are unlikely ever to purchase the earlier volumes. How much modern Christians need to understand the priorities that are found in this book, not just to understand the Doctor, but to realise the needs of the present day. In view of other books that have come out on the Lloyd-Jones this is just what the doctor ordered!

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Wise words from Thomas Goodwin

I have by long experience observed many holy and precious souls, who have clearly and wholly given up themselves to Christ, to be saved by him his own way, and who at their first conversion (as also at times of desertion) have made an entire and immediate close with Christ alone for justification, who yet in the ordinary course and way of their spirits have been too much carried away with the rudiments of Christ in their own hearts, and not after Christ himself; the stream of their more constant thoughts and deepest intentions running in the channel of reflecting upon, and searching into the gracious dispositions of their own hearts, so to bring down, or to raise up (as the apostle's words are), and so get a sight of Christ by them. Whereas, Christ himself is 'nigh them' ( as the apostle speaks), if they would but nakedly look upon himself through thoughts of pure and single faith.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013


At the 1998 BEC (now Affinity) Study Conference on Hermeneutics I gave a paper on 20th century hermeneutics, with Feminist Hermeneutics as a case study. This can now be seen on 'Writings and Ramblings'.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Grace Baptist Assembly 2013

This is a view of the 2013 Grace Baptist Assembly held at The Hayes, Swanwick , April 30th to May 2nd. This was a very good assembly, I believe. My responsibility was to give an address on The Gospel and the Homosexual. You can find this on my other blog, Writings and Ramblings.