'...this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go.'

Friday 11 June 2010

World Cup

To celebrate the beginning of the World Cup I’m posting this photo which was sent to me only the other day. If you believe some of the hype you’d think that football can save the world and lead to everyone living happily together in peace – though some games give the very opposite impression. The photo marks winning the London Theological Colleges Athletic Union shield for the season 1958/9; the shield has been cut off in this picture with the knobbly knees of the players. I think I can remember all the names of the LBC team and I know that two in the picture went abroad as missionaries and five became pastors in this country; possibly two became school teachers, RE specialists, and one a social worker and I’ve no idea about the other two. Football can be interesting to watch and is much better when you can play, but what the world needs is the gospel.