'...this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go.'

Saturday 19 February 2011

London from Above

Yesterday evening I watched Andrew Marr's new programme 'Britain from Above' . I didn't know it would start with London; first showing the city at the end of the second World War and then what it is like now. Although not all of it was 'from above' a good deal was photographed from the air. As I lived in London for 3 years - 1943-1945 - I found the changes very interesting; though it would have been more interesting for me if it had shown East Acton, where we lived. However, I put a different emphasis on the words 'from above'. London is not only our capital city, bursting with millions of people from many different backgrounds, it also still has important links with many other countries, with people constantly coming and going. So what does God see as he looks on London, and what influence can London have on the world? If we could see London as the Lord does I think we would be appalled. Once any view of the London skyline showed the spires and towers of a multitude of churches. Not any more. And though the view itself isn't all that important, the fact is that London is overwhelmingly secular and its influence for the gospel only minimal. What a call to prayer!