'...this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go.'

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Church Buildings 2

This is an old photo of Alder Road Baptist Church - I'm not sure whether, strictly speaking, it is in Poole or Bournemouth. The boundary between the two used to run more or less down the middle of the road, and I suppose still does. This was what we today would call a church plant from West Cliff Baptist Church in Bournemouth. I'm not sure when this actually took place but in 1929 my father became student pastor while he was in Spurgeon's College. It was here that he met my mother so I ought to be very grateful for his ministry there. In the past I have visited and also preached there. Appropriately, perhaps, his funeral service was conducted there in 1993. I heard recently that it now belongs to 'New Frontiers', which seems rather anachronistic.