'...this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go.'

Monday 31 October 2011

150 years of Grace Baptist Mission

Saturday saw Mary and me at the Renewal Centre in Solihull for the 150th anniversary meetings of Grace Baptist mission. This was a great day, though leaving home just after 7am and arriving back after 10pm made it very long. The main speaker was Don Carson who spoke with his usual passion and biblical insight. Part of the evening service was recorded by the BBC and broadcast next morning on radio 4 (available now on I-player). Don mentioned quite innocuously Muslims and Christians, but this was removed from the broadcast - how sensitive can you get? There was much to stir the heart. Over 1400 people gathered. After the first session we found it better to be in one of the overflow rooms rather than the main auditorium. We met numbers of people from the past, going back right to Bible College days. One thing struck me - some of the more recent missionaries are actually going to the countries from which they originate. This seems a wholly admirable and valuable thing. May more such be sent out.