'...this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go.'
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Church Buildings 3
The photo is of ParkstoneEvangelicalChurch in Poole, Dorset.
I think the photo dates back to the 1950’s, in which case the church would have
been known as Newtown
Evangelical Free Church. If I remember correctly it came into being as a result
of a mission led by Eric Land (brother of Leslie Land), sometime in the 1930’s.
I was baptized in that building in 1954. If I am correct about the date of the
photo, the building to the right at the back was made of wood or asbestos and
it was where we met for Bible Studies, Prayer Meetings and Young Peoples’
meetings. Behind this a smallholder kept pigs and, depending on the wind
direction, the smell varied from the tolerable to the considerable, but while
people grumbled about it at times, I’m not sure that it kept anyone away. At one
time young people’s camps were held in a field on the edge of Poole
so I can remember our summer congregations sometimes suddenly swelled by a
hundred or so youngsters. One visiting preacher, suddenly confronted by such an
unexpected multitude, changed his sermon and preached simply, and effectively,
on the first Passover in Exodus. It is some years since I last paid a visit but
I hope to do so soon.
Born of missionary parents, after National Service in the RAF I trained at London Bible College. I was an assistant pastor at Spring Road Evangelical Church, Southampton, pastor at Bethel Evangelical Free Church, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, and Dunstable Baptist Church, prior to retiring in 2003.