This view is taken from the roof of the school I attended and left in 1955. The tent was for a school reunion some years ago; I attended another a week ago but have no up to date photo. In any case I like this one because it shows the superb position of the school and the view we were
able to look out upon, especially from the sixth form common room. Every
reunion (they were every five years, but the last one was three years
ago; the school closed in 1974 so we are all getting older and our numbers are reducing) includes a short service. We begin with 'Lord, behold us with thy blessing', have a Scripture reading, this year from James 2, sing 'God be in my head', say the Lord's Prayer (traditional version) and conclude with the school commemoration hymn. There is also the reading of a list of those who have died since the last reunion - quite a long list this time. After this there is a prayer which has been my responsibility for three reunions and has to be partly related to the passing of old friends. I do not find it easy to prepare for this. There are some fine Christians amongst the old scholars, but nearly everyone present joins in and there is a respectfulness which I don't always find within church services these days. As I left a friend said, 'See you in heaven or at the next reunion'. 'God be at my end, And at my departing'.