'...this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go.'

Monday, 20 August 2012

London Lyrics

 I've been rather busy recently but seeing Lyrics London on Gary Brady's 'Heavenly Worldliness' blog reminded me that I wondered if 'Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner' would feature in the Olympic finale. As I didn't watch much of it I'm not sure, but I don't think so. If my memory is correct it goes like this: Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner/ That I love London so/ Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner/ That I think of her wherever I go/ I get a funny feeling inside of me while walking up and down/ Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner/ That I love London town. It was written by Hubert Gregg (I think) early in 1944 and sung by Bud Flanagan. I remember some time towards the end of 1945 (I would be 8) walking near Westminster Bridge and suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the song and immensely proud that I was a Londoner - well, we'd lived in East Acton since the start of 1943. But that was because we had survived and won the war. That was better even than the Olympics!