As Christmas
approaches some newspapers are recommending various ‘books of the year’,
depending on what subject is one’s interest. My book of the year has to be
Garry Williams ‘Silent Witnesses’ (Banner of Truth). A selection of addresses
and essays on ‘theology, life, and the church from Christians of the past’ it
is diverse, instructive, encouraging and orthodox.
This year sees
the centenary of the Spanish Gospel Mission. It began with the labours of Percy
Buffard. My parents went to Spain
with the SGM in 1932 and returned after the Second World War to resume in 1947.
Centred on Valdepeňas about two thirds down the peninsula, more or less
equidistant from the Mediterranean and Portugal the work has always been
fairly small. Most of the workers have always been Spaniards, which is as it
should be. It is now really a partnership between Christians from Britain and Spain. The number of evangelicals
in Spain
is a very small proportion of the population. May it please the Lord to prosper
the work of the Gospel in that country. There is a day of thanksgiving a week
today in Valdepeňas.
What is the
greatest need of the churches in our country as we approach a new year? Revival.