'...this I have resolved on, to wit, to run when I can, to go when I cannot run, and to creep when I cannot go.'

Monday, 25 November 2013

Curtain: Poirot's last case

I meant to comment on the final TV version of the Hercule Poirot books with David Suchet in the lead role. As it happens we only looked at the opening moments, but I know the basic story anyway. The intriguing thing is that the ‘murderer’ in this case is actually not the person who commits any act leading to death. In fact, the ‘murderer’ is a clever man who insinuates ideas into the minds of others. How far that might be possible in the real world, and how you would deal with such a person who only plays on the anger and desires of others without actually mentioning murder to them, are moot points. But I think Agatha Christie had real insight when she wrote this book. What especially intrigues me is that this is surely one of the ways in which the devil works. I am not thinking particularly of murder here, but of all the subtle temptations he suggests and the way he plays on our own weak points. How this actually takes place I cannot say, but I have no doubt that we have a wily enemy who is able to stir up and play upon our own temperaments and weaknesses. In the name of Christ we are to refuse his suggestions and put him behind us, looking in faith to the Saviour.